anlass für diesen eintrag ist aber die ausführliche o-ton-berichterstattung in der gestrigen sendung (stream / download) über eine rede von Naomi Klein gegen die etablierung eines "Milton Friedman Research Centers" an der University of Chicago. dort bezeichnet sie angesichts der finanzmarktkrise die markfundamentalisten als "right-wing Trotskyists":
"So, what we see from the ideologues of the far right—by far right, I mean the far economic right—frantically distancing themselves and retreating to their sacred texts: The Road to Serfdom, Capitalism and Freedom, Free to Choose. So that’s why I’ve taken to calling them right-wing Trotskyists, because they have this—and mostly because it annoys them, but also because they have the same sort of frozen-in-time quality. You know, it’s not, you know, 1917, but it’s definitely 1982. Now, the left-wing Trots don’t have very much money, as you know. They make their money selling newspapers outside of events like this. The right-wing Trots have a lot of money. They build think tanks in Washington, D.C., and they want to build a $200 million Milton Friedman Institute at the University of Chicago."